Yesterday’s Boyband…
7 Mar
Anybody remember these Irish lads?
Well, I pretty much have forgotten about them until I was rummaging through my glove compartment for a CD to listen during rush hour traffic. I came across the Boyzone’s Greatest Hits CD and hastily inserted the CD into the player. Well, what blared out of the stereo was not just long-forgotten sacharine sweet tunes but a flood of idealistic teenage memories. I was never really into Boyzone much but these were some of the songs that I did hum to during my angst-filled teenage years. Nothing brings back so much good ole times than these good ole songs.
Here are some of my favorite tracks from the CD:-
1. Love Me For A Reason
OMG!!!! This one was released during my high school years and listening to it, released a flood gate of pubescent memories. Not that I was looking for a girl at that time but it kinda summed up the idealistic notions of Boy-Girl thing that everybody was into at that age.

2. Father And Son
A Cat Stevens cover makes for a good Sunday morning listening. I dunno why but this song always reminds me of lazy Sunday mornings after the hectic rush to church. (I used to go to church!) It was a song I would have blaring on the stereo while I take my Sunday late morning naps. Those were lazy-daisy times. Love it!

3. No Matter What
Did you know that the lyrics of this song was written by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber? Yup, its true. This is a karaoke gem – an easy song to sing to. I had to press repeat twice so I could sing it twice in the car.

4. Coming Home Now
This song was on a CD that I used to own of various other artistes. I remember that I would often fast-forward to this track to bypass other less sweeter tunes. It’s typical of Boyzone radio and karaoke-friendly tunes. Love Ronan’s voice. It’s always so distinctive.
5. Baby Can I Hold You Tonight
Argh!!! This reminds me of old heartbreaks. Love this Tracy Chapman cover and it is a great karaoke song if only I dared to sound like a toad with a mike.

6. Picture of You
This Mr Bean tie up makes for an amazingly radio-friendly tune. I love to sing to this one especially at the chorus where Ronan screams “You will be there… when i needed somebody!”

7. All That I Need
Another great tune from Boyzone. This one evokes my college days of self-discovery and coming of age. Haha! Yeah right!

8. When The Going Gets Tough
Love this cover. Not their original but they do a nice boyband spin to this Billy Ocean classic. This song seems to mark the end of the 90s and enter the stark reality of the year 2000. But before that, let’s just have some fun if you know what I mean. Oh! The memories of those great party years.

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