My new promo video…
10 May

There you go… What do you think of my new video? Actually, it was your Jean Mei, the producer who suggested that the advert should be about me, which I protested initially as I really didn’t want to go on screen. My initial idea was to have another person on screen to read my book and be inspired. Jean Mei didn’t like that idea too much as it was kinda passe. So I switched to this and came across a funny Youtube video about being a writer. Some of the visuals cues were inspired by this video.
Anyway, I am in this video contest on Rinpoche’s blog with quite a number of many other videos and if you could be so kind to please click on the link below and vote for me by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page stating the video code – KMP08 and the reason why you would vote for me. Well of course, do check out the other videos before deciding. Thank you so much… ; )
Anyway, here are some videos that I really fancy and top of the list is the advert for 108 Ways to Grab My Apples KMP03, which surprisingly has not gotten my votes…

and this professionally shot advert on Kechara Oasis makes vegetarian dining so stylish and welcoming…

but everything pales in comparison to this neat advert on Rinpoche’s bio book, The Promise:-

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