Archive | May, 2015

The earlier days of KFR

28 May

Way back in 2012, I recall these 2 original cabin containers. sitting under these white canopies. The one on the left is where Rinpoche’s cabin is and the one on the right is Rinpoche’s assistant’s cabin. Rinpoche’s sacred cabin is not a focal point in KFR as a holy spot and from where everything began….

The Siddha Kankaripa, The Lovelorn Widower

19 May

My Dakini-woman, my queen, my lady! The visible form of my pure awareness, Form not separate from me, nor yet a part of me, The phenomenal appearance of empty space: She is beyond compare and beyond words. In Magadha there once lived a householder of low caste. He married a girl of his own social…

Dorje Shugden: Tsem Rinpoche’s Side of the Story

13 May

Tsem Rinpoche recently published in his blog a comprehensive sharing and explanation of Dorje Shugden. I am simply amazed by the scope in which Rinpoche spoke at length with regards to Dorje Shugden, the lineage that he had received and all its pertaining issues surrounding the ban on Dorje Shugden. I was there in the audience and I…


4 May

The magnificent Buddha statue in Bodhgaya that was believed to be carved in the Buddha’s likeness by a woman who actually beheld the golden face of the Buddha  During this Wesak period, I thought it would be nice to blog about the Buddha. After all, he is the founder of the faith that I profess…